All Unserialize related Questions

by | 28/12/16 | 1 Answers | Tags : MySQL , unserialize Views : 7764
unserialize value in database MySQL itself .by function of MySQL or any how.i dont want to use Php function unserialize() table have suppose following serialized stored value. want to decode to back value and grab some content without use of php but at database MySQL reason behind to decode at database level because i want to unserialize value and use it in same query . so single query do all thing . normally what we do 1. we grab the value from database 2. than unserialize it in php 3.again use it to get some entry from database. i want to make a single query which get data , unserialize it and again use it to same table/database.

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by | 28/12/16 | 0 Answers | Tags : PHP , unserialize Views : 1232
using code belowed give error Catchable fatal error: Object of class config could not be converted to string

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