All Import related Questions

by jassy | 14/01/17 | 1 Answers | Tags : Javascript , how-it-work , import , how-to-use Views : 1999
what is use of import statement in JavaScript ? is import used to load library file in JavaScript ? how it import work in JavaScript ? is import work as css : @import cssfile.css in JavaScript ?

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by ajamil | 07/01/17 | 2 Answers | Tags : objective C , import , include Views : 1575
it seems #import and #include both do same job , #import and #include both do include header file . so why one made two function do the same work. so is there any difference between #import and #include ? or #import and #include are same .

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by Rasi | 07/01/17 | 1 Answers | Tags : Javascript , import , include Views : 1117
how one can include one JavaScript file to another JavaScript file ? as like css have @import to include another css . do we have same import function or something to include JavaScript file to another JavaScript file

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