how to use cache in Laravel ? is use of Laravel cache help make web page faster ? what is the cache module i can use with Laravel ? is there extra installation required to use cache in Laravel ?
in client side by JavaScript . to create a text file without use of server and prompt use to save it to his Computer.
possible problem ::
-> not able to use client side machine to save content or save file directly
Locally Creating files with JS
what is use of import statement in JavaScript ?
is import used to load library file in JavaScript ?
how it import work in JavaScript ?
is import work as css : @import cssfile.css in JavaScript ?
use of Symbol in JavaScript ?
what is use of Symbol in JavaScript ?
what is meaning of Symbol in JavaScript?
how to use Symbol in JavaScript ?
is there any practical use of Symbol in JavaScript ? is Symbol keyword , operator or datatype ?
PHP 7 had introduced new operator <=> called the Spaceship Operator . so what it does ? what is best use of it ? is it help or increase load of web application ?