All Caching-Technique related Questions

by yogi | 30/12/16 | 3 Answers | Tags : PHP , Caching Technique , OpCache , XCache Views : 4669
website's some page load very slower , made with PHP and trying to make it faster. so decide to go with cache but now confuse that which one is more good : OpCache or XCache . OpCache or XCache which one give me more good faster pages and ease of code also . OpCache VS XCache , pros and cons of the OpCache and XCache

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by joomler | 07/10/16 | 2 Answers | Tags : PHP , Joomla , Caching Technique Views : 1321
its not general problem regarding question ? but i got that joomla 3.x use reverse caching proxy . so i want to know what is it ? and how it implemented with joomla ? is there any hack which we could do with core php application to apply same caching technique ?

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