what is reverse caching proxy and how it integrated with joomla ?
its not general problem regarding question ? but i got that joomla 3.x use reverse caching proxy . so i want to know what is it ? and how it implemented with joomla ? is there any hack which we could do with core php application to apply same caching technique ?
Two type of cache proxy : Client side cache Proxy and Server Side Cache Proxy , Reverse Cache Proxy means Server Side Proxy .
VARNIS or NGINX is the example of reverse cache proxy.
To use Varnis Caching . you need to install it at your server.and than replace default varnish file with following link have.
why dont you try other caching storage technique which joomla use , it is easy to implement in your PHP core code
Joomla 3.x use :
its pear package used for optimized for file containers.
APC cache storage - Alternative PHP Cache - opcode cache . its not unmaintained so use it own risk
File Caching
File cache storage used for storing id and group wise cache data at files.
Memcache and Memcached
specially designed to make less load on database by storing small chunks of data in-memory in key-value format.
Memcached :: http://php.net/manual/en/intro.memcached.php
Memcache :: http://php.net/manual/en/memcache.examples-overview.php
key-value store cache ,it can be used same manner as memcache.
take look , if it usefull : https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis
Specially designed for Window server , it use five differ type of cache opcode cache , File cache , Resolve File Path Cache , User Cache , Session Handler
open-source opcode cacher , will increase speed by about 5 times
more info - http://xcache.lighttpd.net/wiki/XcacheApi
use which you feel good .
you will find all cache storage class at your joomla with following path