Asked 2 years ago
1 Mar 2022
Views 1587

david posted

how to generate Swiss QR Bill code with PHP ?

how to generate a Swiss QR Bill code with PHP?


answered Mar 1 '22 00:00


composer require sprain/swiss-qr-bill


<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Sprain\SwissQrBill as QrBill;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// This is an example how to create a classic qr bill:
// - with reference number
// - with known debtor
// - with specified amount
// - with human-readable additional information
// - using your QR-IBAN
// Likely the most common use-case in the business world.

// Create a new instance of QrBill, containing default headers with fixed values
$qrBill = QrBill\QrBill::create();

// Add creditor information
// Who will receive the payment and to which bank account?
        'Robert Schneider AG',
        'Rue du Lac 1268',
        '2501 Biel',

        'CH4431999123000889012' // This is a special QR-IBAN. Classic IBANs will not be valid here.

// Add debtor information
// Who has to pay the invoice? This part is optional.
// Notice how you can use two different styles of addresses: CombinedAddress or StructuredAddress.
// They are interchangeable for creditor as well as debtor.
        'Pia-Maria Rutschmann-Schnyder',
        'Grosse Marktgasse',

// Add payment amount information
// What amount is to be paid?

// Add payment reference
// This is what you will need to identify incoming payments.
$referenceNumber = QrBill\Reference\QrPaymentReferenceGenerator::generate(
    '210000',  // You receive this number from your bank (BESR-ID). Unless your bank is PostFinance, in that case use NULL.
    '313947143000901' // A number to match the payment with your internal data, e.g. an invoice number


// Optionally, add some human-readable information about what the bill is for.
        'Invoice 123456, Gardening work'

// Now get the QR code image and save it as a file.
try {
    $qrBill->getQrCode()->writeFile(__DIR__ . '/qr.png');
    $qrBill->getQrCode()->writeFile(__DIR__ . '/qr.svg');
} catch (Exception $e) {
	foreach($qrBill->getViolations() as $violation) {
		print $violation->getMessage()."\n";

// Next: Output full payment parts, depending on the format you want to use:
// - FpdfOutput/fpdf-example.php
// - HtmlOutput/html-example.php
// - TcPdfOutput/tcpdf-example.php

answered Mar 1 '22 00:00

composer require sdespont/php-swiss-qr-bill-tcpdf


use Sdespont\SwissQrBillTcpdf\PaymentPart\Output\TcPdfOutput;
use Sprain\SwissQrBill as QrBill;
use Sprain\SwissQrBill\DataGroup\Element\AdditionalInformation;
use Sprain\SwissQrBill\DataGroup\Element\AlternativeScheme;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a new instance of QrBill, containing default headers with fixed values
$qrBill = QrBill\QrBill::create();

// Add creditor information
// Who will receive the payment and to which bank account?
        'Bénédicte Jäger',
        'Rue du Grès 1268',
        '2501 Biel',

        'CH4431999123000889012' // Note that this is a special QR-IBAN which are only available since of June 2020

// Add debtor information
// Who has to pay the invoice? This part is optional.
// Notice how you can use two different styles of addresses: CombinedAddress or StructuredAddress.
// They are interchangeable for creditor as well as debtor.
        'Pia-Maria Rutschmann-Schnyder',
        'Grosse Marktgasse',

// Add payment amount information
// What amount is to be paid?

// Add payment reference
// This is what you will need to identify incoming payments.
$referenceNumber = QrBill\Reference\QrPaymentReferenceGenerator::generate(
    '210000',  // you receive this number from your bank
    '313947143000901' // a number to match the payment with your other data, e.g. an invoice number


$qrBill->getQrCode()->writeFile(__DIR__ . '/qr.png');
$qrBill->getQrCode()->writeFile(__DIR__ . '/qr.svg');

// Example with TCPDF
$tcPdf = new TCPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4', true, 'ISO-8859-1');

// Page 1 : 2 ISR standard minimal in the same page
// ------------------------------------------------
$output = new TcPdfOutput($qrBill, 'de', $tcPdf);
$output = new TcPdfOutput($qrBill, 'en', $tcPdf, 0, -110);

// Page 2 : ISR standard with options
// ----------------------------------
$output = new TcPdfOutput($qrBill, 'en', $tcPdf);

// Add additional information about the payment
$additionalInformation = AdditionalInformation::create('Invoice 1234568', "Billing information");

// Add alternative scheme
$qrBill->addAlternativeScheme(AlternativeScheme::create('Name AV1: UV;UltraPay005;12345'));
$qrBill->addAlternativeScheme(AlternativeScheme::create('Name AV2: XY;XYService;54321'));


// Page 3 : ISR with 0CHF -> do not use for payment
// ------------
$additionalInformation = AdditionalInformation::create(QrBill\PaymentPart\Translation\Translation::get('doNotUseForPayment', 'en'));
$qrBill->setPaymentAmountInformation(QrBill\DataGroup\Element\PaymentAmountInformation::create('CHF', 0));
$output = new TcPdfOutput($qrBill, 'en', $tcPdf);

// Page 4 ISR+ (without amount)
// ----------------------------
$additionalInformation = AdditionalInformation::create("Thanks for your donation", null);
$qrBill->setPaymentAmountInformation(QrBill\DataGroup\Element\PaymentAmountInformation::create('CHF', null));
$output = new TcPdfOutput($qrBill, 'en', $tcPdf);

$examplePath = __DIR__ . "/tcpdf_example.pdf";
$tcPdf->Output($examplePath, 'F');

print "PDF examples created here : ".$examplePath;

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