1. install Mysql Database in the system
2. install the following packages
install mysql and mysqlclient
pip install mysql
install mysql-connector
pip install mysql-connector
now let's run the query, I am assuming that collegesystem DB is already made and a table named studentinfo has already generated
The following code is for inserting new record in the table studentinfo
import mysql.connector as mysql
#put db detail like username , password , and database name
db = mysql.connect(
host = "localhost",
user = "root",
passwd = "root",
database = "stock"
cursor = db.cursor()
studentname='james bond'
strd='insert into studentinfo (`name`,`code`) values("{0}","{1}");'.format(studentname,studentcode)
print(cursor.rowcount, "record inserted")
let me explain code line by line
import needed mysql.connector
import mysql.connector
mysql.connector.connect() function used to connect with MySQL database with given username and password
mysql.connector.connect() return mysql.connector.connection.MySQLConnection object
cursor() return MySQLCursor which execute query
cursor.execute("query goes here")
you can put select , update or insert any query at cursor.execute() method to execute it .
For Your Info(FYI) additional function like cursor.fetchall() will return all the rows from the last executed statement