answered Aug 13 '21 00:00
you need to install mysql and mysqlclient , mysql-connector packages to connect MySQL with Python.
lets me show you. how to install needed packages to connect MySQL with Python.
to install mysql and mysqlclient , paste the below command at the terminal and press enter
pip install mysql
to install mysql-connector . paste below command at terminal and press enter
pip install mysql-connector
now make file , you can use any filename instead of
put below code
import mysql.connector as mysql
after running the above code if no error is generated then all packages are installed well.
than lets connect to MySQL database from Python
import mysql.connector as connector
#user your db details
db = connector.connect(
host = "localhost",
user = "root",
passwd = "",
database = "anydatabasename"
connect() function is used to connect with MySQL database with given login details