i want to import .xls or .xlsx file into Mysql with PHP . i tried to read it with Php , file function but i get some unusual binary garbage instead of real data . so i want to import xlsx data to MySQL Database. is there any simple solution to
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what is use of !important in css ?
i found this error message: "Cannot find entry file index.android.js in any of the roots:"
installing Expo in pc , i run command so i stuck . what to do now ? is that secure to run command Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-L inux and what is this command do ? and why i got error on that ?
i am basically deal with WordPress but need to generate pdf for invoices , so how to generate pdf in PHP . with WordPress
i am doing Knet Payment Gateway integration at web. it is working but dont know how to integrate with Android ? any idea ?
i was trying to install composer for windows . its failed many time because of some extension not in PHP and lastly error was php version is not up to date . but in this process of installing composer . suddenly my other localhost site is giving me error for database connection . so i got that all users are deleted from mysql server. so i dont have any auth username password for server and now i want to create new user or reset if any exists pervious user for mysql . so is that possible to reset password of mysql server without knowing pervious password ?
what is alternative of eval function in php ?
how to acess the property of object in PHP ? class for customers , its accessing the $tablename property in another function of the class . so its give me error like this
every comment box we have link to sign in for user to comment using woocommerce , so i trying to find the link where it come from so i can remove redirect_to link from but did not get any file where i can remove the redirect_to form wp_login.php link , basically i found some issue with google webmaster tool . it have some crawl errors so i want to remove redirect_to from wp_login.php
I am heading toward to make auto posting web app which post message to google plus without any notification so it should be get all stream of the particular given google plus account by api so is seems to realistic or doiable ? if yes how one can achieve it ?
uploading big image to server by PHP . after long process it says max upload size exceeded. so how to resolve PHP file upload Error ?
give me error :: Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement. it says error in Facebook.php when i included autoload.php
SQL query: MySQL give error : #1115 - Unknown character set: 'utf8mb4'
How to scrap website with Node JS ,
i am trying to create cross platform desktop app with electron JS , dont know where to start with electron JS . How to install electron JS ?
how to create multidimensional array in PYTHON ?
i found in some code what is use of self:: in PHP ?
how to prevent website scrapping ? , i have doubt some other crawler is scrapping my website and copying data to their website so how can i prevent site to be scrapped ? how to avoid crawl to website from all other server / website except some search engine (google ./ bing / yahoo etc.)
how to read excel spreadsheet in python ? , dealing with website , want to get some information from excel spreadsheets and summarize it into another spreadsheet and make pdf invoice in Python
, making it a stable and reliable choice for PHP developers. However, as with any software, it's always important to keep up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.
Certainly, here's a possible rewritten version of my previous answer on how to fix the error "Could not cast value of type 'Foundation.__NSSwiftData' to 'NSString'" in Swift: The error message "Could not cast value of type 'Foundation.__NSSwiftData' to 'NSString'" indicates that you're trying to cast a value of type , you can avoid the "Could not cast value of type 'Foundation.__NSSwiftData' to 'NSString'" error and work with your data more effectively in your Swift code.
In PHP, an interface defines a set of method signatures without any implementation. The purpose of an interface is to provide a contract between a class and the outside world, specifying what methods the class must implement. Here's how you can use an interface in PHP: 1.Define an interface using the keyword: Remember that if a class implements an interface, it must provide an implementation for all of the methods defined in the interface. If a method is not implemented, a fatal error will be thrown.
There can be various reasons why the ftp_ssl_connect function may not be working in PHP. Here are some possible troubleshooting steps: . You can verify this by creating a PHP file with the following code:
sample code index.php - if index.php is at upper level vendor folder include the autoload.php at first and use the class as per need
php function use to escape single quote and double quote to avoid exposing SQL
you can create an empty set in Python, by the set() method. please check following code :
The function can be used to do some specific job in MySQL, Following are the Built-In function - is used to give the difference between two date , for example SELECT DATEDIFF('2021-08-12','2021-08-02') which return 10
Answer is use + as to add up to float value in python Output : 4.0
file_put_contents can get used for to save the var_dump into text file.
there are many way of debugging in php first of all get all errors or warnings in the screen or specific error logs file set error reporting set true in debug mode var_dump will print value and type
explode string with space and you will get array with two value one is the firstname and lastname
use class selector for Jquery like this
get all text by following code :
you can put this at home page with real data , i used some dummy detail you can test website schema at enter url and click on Test Url button to verify schema , it will show error and warning if there is any
tizen.filesystem.resolve will read given folder ( directory ) or files on success you can read the file list
console.log is used to log to console. here console means browser console console.log give me complete inner structure of variable , function or object suppose script have it will give complete inner structure . give all list of methods and all variable associated with console . console.log(obj) means write obj to direct console of browser console.log(cache) will give you output like this in chrome summary is console.log is used in debugging process by JavaScript Developer give same output as console.log() do .
why JavaScript return value for same type of coding ? where variable has successfully assigned object than why it return undefined ?, it should return true .