want to use React-Redux library but some how i got following error Error: could not find react-redux context value; please ensure the compo nent is wrapped in a <Provider>
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To improve performance of the Prestashop website . i want to increase speed of the css and js loading
how to convert object to string in laravel php ?
Explain Socket Programming in Java, how to do it ? where to start coding etc..
how to update pip in python?
how to make a simple or complex object with nested object in JavaScript
what is Tokenization in NLP ?
how to test website ?
what is FORMAT in MySQL ? how to use function FORMAT in MySQL?
i want to store the array into cookie but not sure how to do it? I know how to store the cookie for one variable, but dont how to store array to cookie , below code is for the single value not arrray to cookie in javascript
I am trying to call some curl calls to get some API , and API has heavy data to get. so somehow other pages are working well but in that API getting page at Codeigniter
how to Sorting an array of arrays by custom order in php ?
Accessing Multidimensional Array Values in php ?
how to run select query in mysqli ?
PHP form submit
how to use PHP substr() and strip_tags() ?
strrchr with strtr or str_replace in PHP
Replace string in php with str_replace or preg_replace
<?php $mpdf = new Mpdf([ 'default_font_size' => 10, 'default_font' => 'FreeSans', 'autoVietnamese'=>1 ]); //for leaving some space after the header $mpdf->setAutoTopMargin = 'stretch'; $mpdf->SetAutoFont(); $html='Xin chào, b?n th? nào? Tôi ?ang ki?m tra nên ??ng lo l?ng'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($html); $mpdf->Output($orderfile, 'F'); ?> i think used proper font but still, it missing ` at some character which makes other meaning of the word in Vietnamese
what is Stateless components and Stateful components in React js ?
To change the options of a select box based on the selected value of another select box, you can use jQuery to listen for the change event on the first select box, and then update the options of the second select box accordingly. Here's an example: In this example, we have two select boxes with the ids first-select and second-select. When the selected value of the first select box changes, we use the () method to set the inner HTML of the select box to a new set of option elements. We use if/else statements to determine which options to show based on the selected value of the first select box. Note that you can customize this approach to fit your specific use case.
To flatten a multidimensional array, you can use a recursive function that checks if each element is an array. If an element is an array, the function calls itself to flatten the sub-array, and if it is not an array, the function adds the element to the flattened array. Here's an example function in PHP: print_r($flattenedArray); // Output: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] => 5 [5] => 6 [6] => 7 ) This function works recursively, so it can handle arrays of any depth. However, be careful when flattening large arrays, as the recursion can consume a lot of memory.
To add three months to a date in PHP, you can use the
To check whether a file is a zip file (.zip) in PHP, you can use the statement to determine whether the file is a zip file. It's important to note that comparing file extensions alone is not a foolproof method for determining file types, as file extensions can be easily changed. For more robust file type checking, consider using a library such as finfo or mime_content_type().
To push an array inside another array, you can use the. Here's an example: In the example above, we first declare two arrays arr1 and arr2. Then, we use the push() method on arr1 and pass arr2 as an argument to push arr2 inside arr1. The resulting array will have arr2 nested inside arr1 as a single element.
: <img src="" alt=""> dont close the img tag with />
above function work with only one dimensional array
you can delay execution in PHP for nanosecond as well with -- will delay execution for 5 nanoseconds .
if you using POST jquery ajax call then invoke method . example of running jquery function again after ajax call :
if you using POST jquery ajax call then put it in the second argument in the method and put the code of Jquery you want to run after ajax completion in there. example of running jquery function again after ajax call :
in PHP date() function returns the string in date format.
Python code to read a file : simply iterate the file object with for loop to get each line of the file, it will read every line of the file and return it.
code for .htaccess
how to send back to previous page , i have form based on multiple step , where it have back button to go back to previous page so is there any way to go back previous url or page by JavaScript
says :: [quote] mysqli_real_connect() needs a valid object which has to be created by function mysqli_init(). [/quote] it means if you do connection with mysqli_connect() , you do not need to intialize it with mysqli_init()