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by steave | 17/08/23 | 1 Answers | Tags : Linux Views : 555
how to check RAM size on Linux ?

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by ajamil | 17/08/23 | 1 Answers | Tags : Linux Views : 580
is thre any way i can check hard disk size at linux i am window user so i dont find anything properties

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by shyam | 17/08/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : PHP , Android , Firebase , firebase-realtime-database Views : 1264
i have Android application for delivery-related stuff. i am storing the live location of the user at firebase real-time database now I want to show the movement of the delivery guy on google map, so the client using the web app also can see is the delivery reached or where it is a delivery guy really are. so i want to get real-time database at php so i can connect php to Firebase and get realtime data?

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by pratik | 16/08/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : react-native , reactjs , redux , react-redux Views : 748
want to use React-Redux library but some how i got following error Error: could not find react-redux context value; please ensure the compo nent is wrapped in a <Provider>

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by ajamil | 15/08/23 | 0 Answers | Tags : npm , npx , web-config Views : 473
trying to work at react native and want to check the web how applications look so it says you need to install not to sure what to do ?

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Lastest Answered Questions

by steave | 17/08/23 | 1 Answers | Tags : Linux Views : 555
how to check RAM size on Linux ?

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by ajamil | 17/08/23 | 1 Answers | Tags : Linux Views : 580
is thre any way i can check hard disk size at linux i am window user so i dont find anything properties

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by Mahesh Radadiya | 08/08/23 | 1 Answers | Tags : react-native , expo , tunnel Views : 3313
i am using tunnel to connect expo with my android device but i got following error yes i installed the tunnel yet same error

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by ruby-rails | 26/07/23 | 1 Answers | Tags : Javascript , pagespeed Views : 527
i have very low page speed score . where it have lots of JavaScript loading but if i remove JavaScript it get good speed so how can i delay Javascript Loading

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by Cimb | 27/07/23 | 1 Answers | Tags : dns , amazon-route53 Views : 510
i added Amazon Route 53 in Amazon Route53. Everything works perfectly, except that when user type with www, it won't work. For Create Record Set Name: Set Type A Type Alias: Yes Value: is application load balancer and for i did same but it wont working if i do reverse again one work and another not . so what i should do resolve both www or without www for ssl at aws ?

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