Asked 7 years ago
9 Jan 2017
Views 943

shabi posted

using jQuery , How do I detect a click outside an element?

//hide the textarea

on the click of the content displaying textarea to edit the content. now want to remove textarea on click outside of the textarea ? how to detect outside click for an element in jQuery ?

answered May 4 '23 00:00

to detect a click outside an element using jQuery , add a click event listener to the document object a nd checking if the clicked element is a descendant of the element you're interested in.

Here's an example of how you can implement this in jQuery:

$(document).on('click', function(event) {
  if (!$('#my-element').length) {
    // Clicked outside the element
    console.log('Clicked outside #my-element');

In the example above, we attach a click event listener to the document object using the on() method. The event listener callback function receives an event object representing the click event.

Inside the callback function, we check if the clicked element ( is a descendant of the element we're interested in (#my-element) by using the closest() method. If the clicked element is not a descendant of #my-element, we log a message to the console indicating that the click occurred outside the element.

Note that we're using the length property of the jQuery object returned by closest() to check if the clicked element is a descendant of #my-element. If the clicked element is a descendant, closest() returns a non-empty jQuery object with a length greater than 0. If the clicked element is not a descendant, closest() returns an empty jQuery object with a length of 0.
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