Asked 7 years ago
10 Oct 2016
Views 1191

debugger posted

String to Seo Friendly Url in php

i want to make SEO friendly url so page title also include in the page link instead of just blog post ID
i have Page Title like
Shakespeare invented the words ‘assassination’ and ‘bump’ and have Post ID :12
so instead of link http://www.fact-demon.com/index.php?post-id=12
i want link like http://www.fact-demon.com/Shakespeare-invented-the-words-assassination-and-bump/12
for Url making from String i made following code

function SeoUrl($pagetitle){
return str_replace(" ","-",$pagetitle);

it generate link ::

and by browsing it
i got error

Not found Error
Shakespeare-invented-the-words-‘assassination’-and-‘bump’ was not found on this server.

so i need proper function for String to Seo Friendly Url
Mitul Dabhi

Mitul Dabhi
answered Nov 30 '-1 00:00

function SeoUrl($string)
 		$tempUrl = str_replace('-', ' ', $string);
  		$tempUrl = trim(strtolower($tempUrl));
 		$tempUrl = preg_replace('/(\s|[^A-Za-z0-9\-])+/', '-', $tempUrl);
 		$tempUrl = trim($tempUrl, '-');

		return $tempUrl;

above function will
Remove any '-' from the string since they will be used as concatenates ,
Trim white spaces at beginning and end of alias and make lowercase ,
Remove any duplicate whitespace, and ensure all characters are alphanumeric,
Trim dashes at beginning and end of alias

in short it make your URL safe for browsing and Seo Friendly
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