Asked 7 years ago
18 Apr 2017
Views 952

jessica posted

Namespace error in PHP

$fb = new Facebook\Facebook([
  'app_id' => '', 
  'app_secret' => '',
  'default_graph_version' => 'v2.2',

give me error ::

Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement.

it says error in Facebook.php when i included autoload.php


answered May 1 '23 00:00

In PHP, namespaces are used to avoid naming conflicts between classes, functions, and constants . It is a way of organizing code into logical groups and providing better code reusability.

If you encounter a namespace error in PHP, it means that PHP is unable to locate the class or function you are trying to use because it is not in the current namespace or the namespace is not properly defined.

To fix a namespace error in PHP, you can try the following solutions:

Check if the namespace is defined correctly : Make sure that the namespace is defined correctly and matches the directory structure and file name of the PHP file that contains the class or function.

Import the namespace : If the class or function you are trying to use is in a different namespace, you can import the namespace using the "use" keyword at the top of your PHP file. For example, if the class you want to use is in the "App\Controllers" namespace, you can import it like this:

use App\Controllers\MyClass;

Use the fully qualified name : If you don't want to import the namespace, you can use the fully qualified name of the class or function instead. For example:

$myObj = new \App\Controllers\MyClass();

Check for typos : Double-check that the namespace, class, and function names are spelled correctly and that there are no typos.

Check for conflicts with reserved keywords : Make sure that the namespace, class, and function names do not conflict with any reserved keywords in PHP.
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