Asked 7 years ago
26 Sep 2016
Views 1384

ajamil posted

how to change IFRAME url at angular js

want to change IFRAME src as user click on the differ button


<iframe ng-src="{{swing.url}}"></iframe>

so help

answered Jun 24 '23 00:00

To change the src attribute of an <iframe> dynamically in AngularJS , you can utilize the power of two-way data binding provided by AngularJS. Here's an example of how you can achieve it:

HTML code:

<button ng-click="changeUrl('')">Change URL</button>
<iframe ng-src="{{iframeSrc}}"></iframe>

In your AngularJS controller, define the changeUrl function and update the iframeSrc variable with the desired URL:

JavaScript code:

angular.module('myApp', [])
  .controller('myController', function($scope) {
    $scope.iframeSrc = ''; // Initial value for the src attribute

    $scope.changeUrl = function(newUrl) {
      $scope.iframeSrc = newUrl; // Update the iframeSrc variable with the new URL

Make sure to include the AngularJS library in your project and initialize your AngularJS app/module accordingly. The above code assumes you have a module named myApp and a controller named myController associated with it.

When the user clicks the "Change URL" button, it will trigger the changeUrl function, which updates the value of iframeSrc. As a result, the ng-src directive will be re-evaluated, and the src attribute of the <iframe> will be updated with the new URL.

Remember to replace '' with the desired URL you want to set for the <iframe>.

This approach leverages the two-way data binding capability of AngularJS to dynamically update the src attribute of the <iframe> based on user actions.
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